Softcover ISBN: 978-1-897498-58-3 Online ISBN: 978-1-77195-226-2 Formats Available: Softcover, Online
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A general introduction to fire safety and emergency procedures to help protect yourself, your fellow workers and your family!

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In Canada on average approximately 304 people die each year due to fire with another 2,547 approximate injuries.  These fires cost Canadians approximately $1,489,012,263 each year, with an average of 53,590 dollar-loss fires reported annually.

All fires are investigated to determine their cause and to help prevent similar occurrences. Negligence in building maintenance and fire protection equipment are often exposed, leaving the owner responsible and the insurance company refusing to pay on a claim. A fire will increase your insurance rates and failure to maintain fire protection equipment is a violation of the Fire Code and could lead to thousands of dollars in fines and up to a year in jail! It pays to be fire safe!

This book is a general introduction to fire safety and emergency procedures aiming to educate people about what to do in a fire situation. Reading this book will help you protect yourself, your fellow workers and your family.
Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION - A General Background of Fire

The Fire Triangle / Tetrahedron, Classes of Fire, Ignition Temperature, Products of Combustion, Smoke Development Classification, Fire Endurance, Heat Transfer, Fire Load and Fire Severity, Flame Spread Rating, Principles of Fire Suppression, Portable Fire Extinguishers

Typical Fire Hazards, Causes of Ignition, Fire Hazards of Specific Occupancies, Prevention of Fire

Fire Survivability, Fire Safety Plans – Emergency Action Plans, Access and Functional Needs Occupants, Fire Drills

Appendix A Simplified Fire Procedures
Appendix B Sample Fire Safety Plan
Appendix C Emergency Action Plans
Appendix D Checks, Inspections and Tests
Appendix E Severe Weather
Appendix F Natural Gas Leaks
Appendix G Bomb Threats
Appendix H Glossary
Appendix I Case Study: A Hoarding Fire
Sample Site Diagrams
8.5" x 11" Softcover, 110 pages with colour images
About the Author
Bruce Lacillade is a retired Fire Prevention Inspector with the Burlington Fire Department and a regular contributor to Firefighting in Canada. He is an affiliate member of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers and is a Fire Protection Specialist. Bruce also holds a BA in Social Services and a MA in Divinity. He lives in the Niagara Region with his wife, daughter and dog.

In Canada on average approximately 304 people die each year due to fire with another 2,547 approximate injuries.  These fires cost Canadians approximately $1,489,012,263 each year, with an average of 53,590 dollar-loss fires reported annually.

All fires are investigated to determine their cause and to help prevent similar occurrences. Negligence in building maintenance and fire protection equipment are often exposed, leaving the owner responsible and the insurance company refusing to pay on a claim. A fire will increase your insurance rates and failure to maintain fire protection equipment is a violation of the Fire Code and could lead to thousands of dollars in fines and up to a year in jail! It pays to be fire safe!

This book is a general introduction to fire safety and emergency procedures aiming to educate people about what to do in a fire situation. Reading this book will help you protect yourself, your fellow workers and your family.